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По спецификации WDC в отсутствие перемычек диск работает в рижиме "Single" (за исключением модели с 9-пиновым блоком перемычек, для которого их полное отсутствие не указано, а соответственно - не рекомендуется) , т.е. должен быть единственным на канале, желательно на Master-разъёме (порой у изготовителей бывают причуды). Если не виден в BIOS'е, стоит проверить/заменить IDE-шлейф/питание; при "упорном невидении"/отсутствии признаков жизни (раскручивание двигателя) диск скорее всего неисправен. В принципе, можно попробовать какие-нибудь диагностические программы (вроде MHDD, или "фирменные" от Western Digital), но с точки зрения дальнейшего использования диска это смысла не имеет.
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What can I do if the computer is not recognizing my WD internal hard drive?

Here are some basic troubleshooting steps to verify if your WD internal hard drive is still functional.

1.Check the jumper settings (if it's an EIDE drive)
The wrong jumper setting would make your computer not recognized the hard drive. Western Digital jumper settings for a single drive is slightly different from other manufacturers.

2.Try a different EIDE or SATA cable
If a bad data cable is installed, the symptoms could be ranging from corrupt data, wrong info in BIOS, to not recognizing the drive.

3.Check the BIOS (for Mac it's the BootROM)
If you have an older computer that cannot recognized your new drive, please refer to the links below. (The links below can apply to SATA drives also.)
◦Answer ID 54: EIDE drives are not detected or recognized by the system BIOS
◦Answer ID 927: Are EIDE drives larger than 137GB (128GB binary) supported in Mac systems?

4.Run Data Lifeguard Diagnostics
Data Lifeguard Diagnostics can help you diagnose and solve most common problems.
◦How to use Data Lifeguard Diagnostics to test your EIDE or SATA drives
◦Data Lifeguard Tools (Diagnostic) error codes
Note: Data Lifeguard Diagnostics only works on Windows PC's."
"EIDE drives are not detected or recognized by the system BIOS.
Why is my EIDE drive not detected or recognized by the system BIOS?

When a drive is not detected by the system BIOS, there are several possible causes – a physical configuration problem, BIOS limitation, or defective hardware.

Configuration Problems

•The BIOS will not detect your drive if the cable connection is not correct. If you are using an Ultra ATA cable (80-conductor) make sure that the Master or Single drive is on the black end connector. Connect any Slave device present to the gray middle connector. Finally, the blue end connector should be connected to the motherboard or EIDE controller card. If you are using a standard 40-conductor data cable, connect the Master device to one end, the Slave to the middle and the other end to the motherboard. In all cases, make sure that pin 1 on the data cable is aligned with pin 1 on the motherboard and pin 1 on the drive. For Western Digital drives, pin one is located closest to the power cable.

Incorrect Jumper Settings will also prevent the BIOS from detecting your drive. The most common incorrect jumper setting used is for a drive that is alone on the data cable. Keep in mind that the concept of Master/Slave applies to a given EIDE channel. If there are two drives on the data cable, one must be Master and one designated as Slave. If the drive is the only device on the cable, it should be jumpered as a Single drive, NOT a Master. To do this, place a jumper shunt on pins 4 & 6, or remove the jumper shunt completely to set the drive as a Single drive.
BIOS Limitations

•If you have an older computer system, the BIOS may hang or freeze while auto detecting the drive. You may need to use the Alternate Jumper Settings. See Answer ID 83: How to configure a WD EIDE drive using the Alternate Jumper Settings for details.

•If the system BIOS is only recognizing 528MB, 2.1GB, 8.4GB, 32GB, 64GB of the drive, or something significantly less then the actual capacity of the drive, your motherboard may not support large capacity drives. If this is the case, you may need to use Data Lifeguard Tools 11.2 for Windows as part of your installation.
Windows 2000/XP/Vista

Do not use the Alternate Jumper Settings. Consider either a BIOS upgrade, an EIDE controller card, or setting up the drive with Data Lifeguard Tools 11.2 for Windows to provide support for the drive.

Once the above is completed, the BIOS will report a drive capacity of either 504MB or 528MB. This is normal. The above settings simply trick your BIOS into thinking the drive is smaller then it really is, allowing the computer to boot with the drive connected. The full capacity of the drive will be available once the Data Lifeguard Tools disk is used to install, partition, and format the drive.

Defective Hardware

•If you have determined that your configuration and BIOS are not at fault, the drive may be defective. Attempt to test the drive using our Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for DOS (floppy) or Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for DOS (CD). It is available as part of our Data Lifeguard Tools 11.2 for Windows software.

•If possible, connect a different but similar capacity drive to see if the BIOS detects it. If so, it is likely that the drive is defective and should be replaced."